Online Drawing Classes


Online Drawing Classes

$40.00 every month

Classes are all on-line, through a private page on Private Zoom Classes are not available at this time.

This course works at a slower pace, as I am not there in person to make any adjustments, this series of lessons center around setting up a strong foundation of drawing and painting skills. The first 6 months are strictly drawing lessons and learning how to control your pencil. An intermediate drawing course will be available later on in 2022 and can be taken simultaneously with painting foundations. Class time ranges from 15-25 minutes depending on subjects, and weekly assignments will be given. The shorter class time allows me to help slow you down and pay attention to each individual lesson. The goal is to not intimate or overwhelm the student, as I am aware a lot of students are beginners and can get nervous. My goal is to build your confidence in each element of drawing and have a private space to do that. The slower pace also insures you’re not getting ahead of yourself and I can check in on each step of your growth with monthly or weekly check-ins. The shorter videos also allow you to consider your schedule, if you miss a week of class you can carve out an hour the next week and do two lessons. If you miss three classes, you can carve out 2.5 hours to complete the missed lessons. If you miss a month, you can carve out 3.5 hours to complete the lessons. My goal is to create a platform where you can create ownership of your skills and not create pressure on your schedule.

Monthly check-ins/reviews. It is your responsibility to email me clear photos of your work every two weeks or monthly. I will send you an email if I haven’t received anything from you in a month and half and your subscription is still active.

The subscription cost covers, access to the private online lessons, and biweekly - and monthly reviews of your work. Once intermediate classes begin in the later half of the year, cost will go up and there will be a biweekly review of your work.
